
This is a Now page. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Closing up the interregnum; pouring code into my head

The majority of the deliberate growth and learning I’ve done over the last few years has been focused on helping support fellow humans, teams, organizations, and their processes and dynamics. I love this work. But it helps to keep my technical skillset sharp, and I’d given that less attention lately.

And, let’s be honest, it can be really enjoyable to just go heads-down on the tech from time to time.

So that’s exactly what I’ve done: picked up a bunch of work from the nice folks over at PullRequest, ripped through some Frontend Masters courses, ditto over on Execute Program (which, I should add, is particularly excellent; the inbuilt spaced-repetition system has finally got some bits of Typescript that refused to stick in my mind firmly ensconced there), a side project in Phoenix LiveView (I’d last touched Phoenix back in 2020 and it’s utterly changed).

Most of this has been in the last two weeks or so; prior to that, I’d had literal months of between-client catchup work and parenting. It’s been a good run! And I’m enjoying some fresh deliberate learning. Looking forward to getting back to some client focus soon, though, and the team dynamics work that comes with it.